Toronto High School

Remis Insurgite - Rise to Your Oars.

Telephone02 4959 1788

Quick Links

Canvas  - Access in Google Chrome (Internet Explorer is not supported)
The School Locker
THS Student and Parent Portal login link
THS Student and Parent Portal Registration link 
Toronto High School Facebook Page
Toronto High School YouTube Channel

Europe Study Tour 2026 Consent Form


Hunter Sports Association
NSW CHS Sports Association  


NESA Home Page
HSC Information
HSC Minimum Standards
HSC Key Dates & Exam Times
NAPLAN Information (Years 7 and 9
National Assessment Program
ROSA - Record of School Achievement


Students requiring applications for misadventure, illness or extensions of assessment tasks can electronically complete the required documentation by:

  1. Downloading and saving the relevant form
  2. Printing the document, completing the required fields, scanning and emailing through to their classroom teacher with supporting documentation attached OR
  3. Typing into the required fields, saving the document and emailing to the student’s classroom teacher with supporting documentation attached.

 Please note: students must be prepared to complete any missed assessment task the day after a medical certificate expires.



Years 7-9 Misadventure and Illness Form
Years 10-12 Misadventure and Illness Form
Years 7-9 Extension Form
Years 10-12 Extension Form.

Statutory Declaration Form

Years 7-9 Assessment Q&A for Parents and Students

Years 10-12 Assessment Q&A for Parents and Students

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