Toronto High School

Remis Insurgite - Rise to Your Oars.

Telephone02 4959 1788

FAQs - Assessment Years 7 - 9

These forms can be found below.  Copies are also available from the Print Room in A-block or from your teacher. It’s always a good idea to make sure your teacher knows you plan to submit an appeal so get in touch with them ASAP, either via Canvas inbox, over the phone or in person.

To complete your application you will be asked for details to support your appeal, which may include either a Doctor’s Certificate or a Statutory Declaration as supporting evidence. See your teacher to get their comment on the form and then submit to the Faculty Head Teacher for review and a decision. You must submit this application within three days of your return to school.

Remember – you must be prepared to complete any missed task the day after a medical certificate expires. This may mean you are completing your illness/misadventure form after completing or submitting the task you missed.

Holiday leave will not be approved during the school term and absence due to a family holiday will not be accepted as a reason to apply for an extension or illness/misadventure appeal.

As your leave will not be approved, you must make every effort to complete and submit assessment tasks before the due date or submit electronically by 2:20pm on the due date via Canvas. In-class tasks must be completed on the day of the task.

Before booking holidays during the school term, families are encouraged to review Scope and Sequence documents, including as published on the THS Website, and any Assessment Task Notifications to ensure there is no clash.

You will be awarded zero marks for that task and a Faculty Warning letter will be issued. This Faculty Warning letter acts as written notification for parents/carers and will provide detail of the task/s or action/s to be undertaken by a certain time.

You will still be required to attempt the task.

Your appeal will not be upheld, which means you will not receive any marks for the task (if submitted late) and a Faculty Warning letter will be issued.

A Faculty Warning letter acts as written notification for parents/carers that you have not completed a task and are at risk of not meeting course requirements. This letter will provide detail of the task/s or action/s to be undertaken by a certain time in order to demonstrate your knowledge

A Scope and Sequence summary document is published to the Toronto High School website at the beginning of each year. These handbooks contain assessment information for all courses.

You will also receive a hard-copy Scope and Sequence from your class teachers at the beginning of the course. This Scope and Sequences is also published on the course’s Canvas page.

At least two weeks before an assessment task is due, you will then receive an Assessment Task Notification that includes a task description outlining the nature of the task, specific requirements, and marking criteria. Assessment Tasks Notifications are also published on the Canvas page for each course.

It is your responsibility to collect the task from your teacher and/or access a copy from the course’s Canvas page. Extensions will not be granted based on the task not being received.

First, talk to your teacher. They should be able to provide you with a good starting point and highlight any opportunity to submit draft work for formal feedback.

Consider attending the Homework Hub and/or Maths and Milo for additional assistance. Here teachers are available to provide additional assistance to students seeking help.

You will also notice that your assessment notifications include “If you are eligible for disability provisions, please take this notification to Mrs Jayne.” Ms Jayne coordinates examination support for students across the school. She can be found in the Secondary Studies staffroom.

Read your assessment notification carefully – it should list the drafting process and/or requirements for the task. You will have equal access to feedback on draft work as your peers preparing for the same task.

Problems with computers, printers, the internet, etc. will not be accepted as a valid reason for misadventure appeal and late task submission.

You are encouraged to regularly back-up your work, keep regular printouts and/or hard copy drafts. By completing tasks well ahead of time you can resolve last minute technical difficulties in a timely fashion.

First, speak to your teacher. Depending on the task type, you may be told to complete and submit your task on or before the due date, either in-person or electronically via Canvas by 2:20pm on the due date.

If you wish to apply for an extension, you must do so at least 24 hours before the due date.

If it is an in-class task and you have a valid and acceptable reason for absence you will be asked to complete and submit an Illness/Misadventure Appeal Form with supporting evidence. If approved, alternative arrangements will be made to complete the task or an alternative task.

You must submit all tasks by 2:20pm on the due date. Tasks submitted after this due date and time will receive a mark of 0.

No student is eligible to receive a mark deduction for a late task submission. It does not matter if the task is submitted 5 minutes, 5 days or 5 weeks late, late is late.

If you hand in your task late you will be awarded zero marks for that task and a Faculty Warning letter will be issued. This Faculty Warning letter acts as written notification for parents/carers that your task was submitted late and has already been redeemed.

You must complete and submit an illness and misadventure appeal form within three school days. These forms can be found on the THS Website under Quick Links. Copies are also available from the THS Print Room or your teacher.

You will be asked provide details to support your appeal which may include either a Doctor’s Certificate or a Statutory Declaration. You must be prepared to complete any missed task the day after a medical certificate expires.

Based on the task type, the assessment you complete may be the original task or an alternative task. This decision lies with the Head Teacher.

You will be required to submit the task by the due date.

If the task was submitted on time, you will be awarded the marks you have earned.

If it was submitted late, you will be awarded zero marks.

You can appeal the decision. You will need to complete an appeal form and provide evidence to your Deputy Principal. From here the Assessment Appeals Committee or Assessment Review Panel will consider your appeal.

You will be awarded zero marks for that task and a Faculty Warning letter will be issued. This Faculty Warning letter acts as written notification for parents/carers and will provide detail of the task/s or action/s to be undertaken by a certain time.

You will still be required to attempt the task.

You will be awarded zero marks for that task and a Faculty Warning letter will be issued. This Faculty Warning letter acts as written notification for parents/carers and will provide detail of the task/s or action/s to be undertaken by a certain time.

You will be asked to re-attempt the task.

If it has yet to be attempted, you must attempt the task and submit it either in-person or electronically via Canvas by 2:20pm on the due date.