Toronto High School

Remis Insurgite - Rise to Your Oars.

Telephone02 4959 1788

Students and Parents Portal

THS Sentral Portal

The Toronto High School Student & Parent Portal allows Parents and Students to:

1. Make Online Bookings for Parent/Teacher Nights

2. View student/s timetables

3. View student/s previous school reports

4. View student/s attendance

For Parents 

Parent Portal App

To download the app on your phone or tablet, click the following links: Google Play or the App Store.

Alternatively, search “Sentral for Parents”.

➡️ New Parents to THS

Parents/Carers can register on the THS Sentral Parent Portal, however will need an Access Code to link any Students/s to the account. 

To request an Access Code, please email the School at from the email address on file with the School.

An Access Code will then be emailed to you. 

Enter the Access Code to create the link in the Portal to your child/children.

➡️ For Students

Use your DoE portal username and password to log in.

Student Portal Login link