Welcome to the Toronto High School Student & Parent Portal. The purpose of this service is to allow parents and students to:
1. Make Online Bookings for Parent/Teacher Nights
2. View student/s timetables
3. View student/s previous school reports
4. View student/s attendance
5. To register student's interest for representative sport etc
(Further extensions/capabilities of this service will be added in the near future ie permission notes, sporting draws etc).
For Parents
For parents to access the system, they must log in to the parent portal.
Registered previously? Simply need to click on the link below and enter their Username (Email address) and password.
Here is the Portal Login For Existing Users
For all newly enrolled students (eg Year 7), a Student Key (Access Code) will be generated and distributed. An Access Code can also be generated on request. Parents then input this code to create the link in the portal to the new student/s.
New users need to register once only, by emailing the School.
Once you have registered, please refer to the instructions above.
For Students
Use your DoE portal username and password to log in.
Student Portal Login link
- Reminder - Passwords must not be shared.
- Should you lose your Access Code and/or password, please contact the Technical Officer at the school.
- For further assistance please contact the school.
- The portal can also be accessed through our "Quick Links "section on this website.
Parent Portal App
To download the app on your phone or tablet, go to Google Play or the App Store and search “Sentral for Parents” and install. Click on “register here” and complete your details. You will need a valid email address to register.
* If you do not have an access key, please email the school to request one.