Toronto High School

Remis Insurgite - Rise to Your Oars.

Telephone02 4959 1788

Supporting our Students

A wide network of people and a series of programs are in place to ensure all students at Toronto High School are known, valued, safe and have every opportunity to thrive.


 Ms Bronwyn Jones promotes the academic, emotional, social and physical development of each student with a view that wellbeing is intrinsic to a students’ educational success.

Toronto High School runs a suite of wellbeing programs to support our RESPECT targets. This whole school positive wellbeing support links effective learning and teaching, positive climate, good discipline and community participation.

Our programs have three intervention levels each designed to meet the individual wellbeing needs of Toronto High School students:

• The Primary intervention level explicitly teaches Toronto High School’s RESPECT values and is delivered through whole school assemblies and Year Advisor lessons

• Secondary intervention measures address specific wellbeing needs of students. This level is delivered through small group programs following consultation with home. Students are withdrawn from their normal period of study for these programs. Support agencies from outside the high school environment come to our school to deliver these targeted courses

• Tertiary intervention measures address individual students’ specific wellbeing and behavioural objectives.


Here at Toronto High School, we have two Student Support Officers (SSO) who are in the Wellbeing Hub in the Library. Our SSO's, Ruby and Amy, are Youth Workers who provide early intervention one on one support and targeted small group programs for student who might need extra support in social skills, emotional regulation and self-esteem. As a team they also run programs such as Lunch club, food hampers, lunch time activities and secondhand uniform. Our SSO's also have strong community relationships with external services to provide young people and their families with referrals to further support their wellbeing and engagement with education.


The Wellbeing & Health In-Reach Nurse Co-Ordinator program is a partnership between NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education. Elise Skillen is a clinical nurse specialist who will be working closely with our wellbeing and learning support teams. Elise is here to help support our students and their families with any health concerns they may have. Elise can help organise an assessment, assist with referrals to a medical or social service, and help follow up any treatment. Referrals to Elise can be made through the learning support team. Students over 14 years may wish to contact Elise directly at school, however students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with parents/carers.


Our School Counsellors work within the Learning Support and Wellbeing Teams to provide psychological services for students. This can include assessments related to learning, behaviour and mental health; short-term counselling intervention for individual students; and referrals to external services. School Counsellors communicate with external practitioners and agencies to assist with sharing information between the school and these providers to support student outcomes.

Students may be referred to the School Counselling service via the Learning Support Team, the Wellbeing Team, other staff members, parents/carers and student self-referral. The School Counsellor office is located in the administration building.

Our School Counsellors are Tom Gasparre and Lauren Cohen



Ms Kate Woodward and Ms Jordan Cadd are the Supervisors of Girls. Ms Woodward can be found in the Science Staffroom and Ms Cadd can be found in the PDHPE Staffroom, where students can discuss any problems they may have.


Mr Kyle Bettinzoli is concerned with the welfare of the boys and he can be found in the PDHPE Staffroom.


Ms Kate Woodward, working with the LGBTQIA+ community of students at THS, can be found in the Science Staffroom.


 Year Advisors play an important role in our school. They are experienced teachers who are appointed to help students with any problems they may have at school. Year Advisors also help students to devise strategies to overcome their problems. Year Advisors guide students throughout the year on a varied range of matters, including but not limited to attendance; progress in courses; study skills; group unity; individual student concerns, etc. Parents and caregivers may arrange interviews regarding any issues of concern with the relevant Supervisor or Year Advisor.

Our Year Advisors for 2025 are

🔸 Year 7 Linda Chapman

🔸 Year 8 Jordan Cadd relieving for Kane Haggett

🔸 Year 9 Cameron Aspinall

🔸 Year 10 Jarrad Penfold

🔸 Year 11  Ashley Robson

🔸 Year 12  Rebecca Field


Our Careers Team of Alana Folkes (Head Teacher) and Ashley Robson (Careers Advisor) can provide information to students and guide them in choosing career paths. The Careers Advisor coordinates Work Experience programs and is available for students to discuss prospective careers and subject requirements.

The Careers Centre is located in the Student Hub within the Library. Staff are generally available during breaks or by special appointment during class time.

Further information is available on the Careers page


Mrs Merrin Jayne and her team provide assistance to students with learning difficulties both in a classroom setting and on a one-to-one, or small group basis. Their office is located in H Block (S1 and S2 rooms).


Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are further supported by our Aboriginal Education Team and Clontarf.