Toronto High School promotes the use of cloud based technology through Google Suite or Microsoft Office. Students are encouraged from Year 7 to use the Google Suite of applications - particularly Google Docs, Google Slides and Google Drive.
Google Workspace
Google Workspace is a suite of online productivity tools that work on any device. Google Workspace lets teachers and students create, communicate and collaborate in real time.
Teachers and students have access to tools that allow:
- collaborative word processing, presentation and website creation
- easy delivery and management of assessment
- time and task management
- unlimited online storage
Google Workspace is accessed via a dedicated DoE domain rather than downloading. Once an account is approved, set up and linked to this domain, it can be accessed from any device with internet access.
Popular tools
Google Drive and Google Docs - Facilitate group work, secure cloud based sharing. Suited for group work, peer assessment, feedback, review and reflection.
Google Sites - Create websites with easy to use templates, curate and host content and resources, build portfolios, publish student work and demonstrate learning outcomes.
Google Forms - Create surveys, quizzes and assessments and then distribute them over the Internet. Manage the return data with inbuilt analysis and visualisation tools.
How to access Google Drive
Students can access their Google Drive through the student portal or by visiting the direct Google Drive login.
Your DoE G Suite credentials are your portal username followed by "@education.nsw.gov.au", eg john.smith93@education.nsw.gov.au