Toronto High School

Remis Insurgite - Rise to Your Oars.

Telephone02 4959 1788

Vocational Education & Training

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are either Board Developed courses, which may contribute to the calculation of an ATAR, or Board endorsed courses.

VET is dual-accredited, providing students with recognition towards both their school qualification and a nationally recognised VET qualification. VET courses can only be delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) that meet national standards and have the relevant qualification and units of competency on their scope of registration.

VET courses give students work-related skills in a variety of industry areas. Students will receive a nationally recognised qualification when they complete their course.

Work placement of either 35 or 70 hours over the two years of study, is mandatory for all VET courses. This is a NESA requirement and if not completed you may receive an “N” Determination. If you have not completed the work placement requirement you will not have the 2 units for the course recognised by NESA as credit towards your HSC.

Board Developed VET courses are available in a number of Industry Curriculum Frameworks, such as Hospitality, Retail and construction. Students can use their HSC exam marks to contribute to their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) calculation.

Toronto High School has a range of VET opportunities for students to provide them with a well balanced study pattern in their senior years.

Board Developed Courses (70 Hours Work Placement)

  • Construction
  • Hospitality - Food and Beverage
  • Retail
  • Business Services

Board Endorsed Corses (35 Hours Work Placement)

  • Metals Engineering
  • Furniture Making

Vocational Education Courses:

  • Count towards a HSC program of study; lead to a nationally recognised AQF qualification and are recognised by Industry.
  • Board Developed VET courses are eligible for inclusion in the ATAR if students complete the HSC examination.
  • Involve competency based assessment of skills and knowledge.
  • At the completion of the HSC course, students will receive a Certificate of Attainment, listing the units of competency achieved.
  • The HSC examination in VET courses is optional. It consists of a written examination. Students will nominate during the HSC year to undertake the HSC examination or to withdraw.
  • The examination is independent of the competency based assessment undertaken during VET courses. It has no impact on student eligibility for AQF qualifications.
  • All work placement is a COMPULSORY.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Students must obtain a USI to study a VET course. In order to receive your VET credential, you must provide the school with your USI. If you do not have one you can apply for one at

For more information contact Mr Chapman (VET Coordinator)